North Mecklenburg Park

Project Type: Splash Pad

Location: Huntersville, North Carolina, USA

Our Design Studio worked with Waterplay, McAdams Landscape Architecture, and Water Technology Inc. to design and engineer a pond-themed splash pad. Large custom lily pads are featured across the amenity for children to hop across with imaginative strides. This playful design complements the 20 nature-inspired interactive water sprays while incorporating something for everyone to engage with.

Expert installation was completed by our Certified Installer and Registered Aquatic Partner, Landmark Aquatics.

Project Highlights

Facility: North Mecklenburg Park
Location: Huntersville, North Carolina, USA
Designers: Life Floor Studio and McAdams Landscape Architecture
Install Date: May 2024
Area: 1,227 sq ft (114 m²)
Colors: Evergreen, Lilypad, Iceberg
Texture: Ripple 2.0
Thickness: 3/8” (10 mm)
Installer: Landmark Aquatics
Fixture Manufacturer: Waterplay
Engineer: Water Technology Inc.

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