A Message from Life Floor During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear valued customers, partners, and suppliers,

During this difficult and unprecedented time, I wanted to reach out and update you on how Life Floor is responding to COVID-19. While the coronavirus pandemic has swept the globe with fear and uncertainty, I want to share a message of encouragement and hope. This situation has brought rapid change to our communities, businesses, families and way of life. As our team at Life Floor follows the CDC guidelines of social distancing and working remotely, we have started settling into a new pace of work, play, and rest. Collectively, we are practicing gratitude and meeting with empathy and compassion the needs of those in our community that can benefit from our abundance. We continue to be encouraged by the acts of kindness and empathy around us, as the world unites to overcome this tragic pandemic.

As a company founded on the mission of safety, we are taking every measure to ensure the health and wellbeing of our team, customers, and vendors. Our team remains fully operationally, working remotely as of March 12th. We have also paused all non-essential travel at this time. Our factories in South Dakota and China are both operating with the ability to produce orders already in process and to fulfill new orders for the spring and summer season. In the US, our partners at Inside Edge continue to deliver outstanding installation service where it is safe to do so and stand ready to help with planning installations for the spring and summer season. We and our partners will continue to adhere to local and federal government mandates and monitor all recommendations released by the CDC. 

As always, our team is here to help you as you navigate your current surfacing projects and future surfacing needs whenever they may be. We look forward to continuing to serve you and provide you with industry-leading safety and design solutions.

From everyone at Life Floor, wishing you health and peace-

Jonathan Keller,
CEO, Life Floor